Willkommen! (Welcome: I am sorry but this site is written predominantly in German. I am working at the translation's piece for piece - [Jump to the English intro]) Oder
"Moin" "Moin", wie man bei uns in Norddeutschland
sagt. Wir grüßen mit "Moin" zu jeder Tageszeit, da "Moin"
nicht von "Morgen", sondern von dem plattdeutschen "mooin
dag" abstammt. Und das heißt so viel wie "Guten (schönen)
Tag". Also "Moin" "Moin" oder "Hi",
"Seid gegrüßt" und habt Spaß beim Surfen über meine
Webseiten. Dabei freue ich mich natürlich, wenn sich Frau bzw. Mann
dabei auch in meinem [Gästebuch] (guestbook) verewigt. "Moin " "Moin", as one says here in North Germany. We say hello with "Moin" at every time of day (like G’Day in Australia) since "Moin" is not descended from "good morning" but from the Low German "mooin dag" which means "have a good (beautiful) day". So, "Moin" "Moin" or "Hi", "be welcome" and have fun surfing through my web pages. I would of course be very happy, if you (boy or girl) left a message in my [guestbook]. Essentially, this site deals scientifically as well as politically with the following topics: [Alternative] [Lifestyles], [Civil Rights] and [The Police] as well as the question concerning the coherence of [HIV infection] and [Discrimination] and finally with [National Socialism] and [Right Extremism] as a problem definition. Since this has something to do with me as a person, you will find some personal information under the categories [On the Person] and [Hobby]. Copyright © 2001 - 2018 Dr. Jörg Hutter. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. (All rights reserved)
Suchen auf dieser Homepage Erklärung zum Datenschutz (Declaration on data protection)
Solidarität mit den Schwulen und Lesben im Iran Solidarity for the Persian Gays and Lesbians Die Vergangenheit mahnt uns, für die Opfer von heute zu kämpfen. Im Iran sind im Jahr 2005 mindestens sechs Männer wegen ihrer Homosexualität hingerichtet worden. Weitere Hinrichtungen drohen. The past reminds us, to fight for the victims of today. In the year 2005 at least six men have been executed because of their homosexuality in Iran. Further executions threatens. [Schwule im Iran gehängt: Die iranischen Opfer des religiösen Faschismus von heute] [Gays executed in Iran: The Persian Victims of the Religious Fascism of Today] [Persian Gay and Lesbian Organisation] [Persische Schwulen- und Lesbenorganisation]
Please do not leave us alone and try to be our
everyday supporters and friends. Neues auf dieser Homepage Impressum |